Saturday, August 1, 2009

Necessity vs Desire

Would you rather be needed or wanted by your significant other? Do you yourself want or need?
I was reading an Essence magazine recently and came across this poll they were doing.
the question: Do you prefer to be wanted or needed by your woman?
They published maybe 20 answers from different guys all different ages, backgrounds and professions. This particular response caught my eye.
"I want my lady to look at me with wanting eyes, touch me with wanting hands, and listen intently with wanting ears. I want her to need my support, to need the sound of my voice, to need my touch as well as my passion" - 36 year old radio station host
Fellas take notes...the perfect answer in my opinion.
Whats your take on the subject? There's ambiguity for ya.
Also published, 68% of Essence readers prefer to be wanted by their man...I'd like a combination of both.

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