Sunday, August 30, 2009


I won't bite.. if I do, you'll like it.

I never really had a "type" of guy that i preferred over another. Being single and talking to different guys lately, i've discovered what guy i absolutely don't want! I learned I am completely incompatible with shy/quiet guys who are afraid to wear the pants in the relationship. I do like have some power, but me having to initiate every date, every move, every feeling is such a turn off. I mean dang dude, can you grow a pair?!?! Non-chalant dudes aren't gonna make the cut either. Yea you say this, but how good are you at showing it?
Narrowing down my selection in the dating pool is a start. They say there are plenty of fish in the sea, but what if you can't swim? I can, very well, but I think I'm seasick at the moment.

Knowing What & When to Say it

My mother's birthday was this past weekend, the same day as Michael Jackson's. I took her out to dinner to celebrate the day before.
Some say i look just like my mother, but I've found we're more alike personality wise. I've inherited the 'speak my mind' gene that is always mistaken for being mean in my case. While spending time together something was her.
When talking about one particular subject still sensitive to me (she doesn't know that, but it's besides the point), she hit the bulls eye by saying something that hurt me. It wasn't so much because she said it but because she said it with such confidence that it had to be true, like she wanted it to be true. Don't get me wrong, the same thought has crossed my mind a number of times before, but to hear her reassure me it was true instead of consoling me really hit home.
I love my mother very much-- but the truth does hurt!

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Fish Eye Lens

I've always wanted one of those high tech lensed-cameras that real photographers use.
Making my birthday wish list! I would love to take pictures like this...

In Continuation. . .

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Necessity vs Desire

Would you rather be needed or wanted by your significant other? Do you yourself want or need?
I was reading an Essence magazine recently and came across this poll they were doing.
the question: Do you prefer to be wanted or needed by your woman?
They published maybe 20 answers from different guys all different ages, backgrounds and professions. This particular response caught my eye.
"I want my lady to look at me with wanting eyes, touch me with wanting hands, and listen intently with wanting ears. I want her to need my support, to need the sound of my voice, to need my touch as well as my passion" - 36 year old radio station host
Fellas take notes...the perfect answer in my opinion.
Whats your take on the subject? There's ambiguity for ya.
Also published, 68% of Essence readers prefer to be wanted by their man...I'd like a combination of both.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Open Happiness

A brand new day.
So I can be someone new.
So I can feel something new.
=))) great collabo

Camille's Logarrhea

-- diarrhea of the mouth.
I get what i want; .. for the most part that is. I've been wanting this for the longest time and with more heart that most desires. I didn't happen. It did, however, crash and burn. . . it burned [down && sunk!]
I've been putting out this fire on a bridge that burned my heart for what seems like a lifetime now. It's not giving up on the dream, more like going with a different want. I've gotten what i
wanted this time. It's out, the fire seized to exist.
Why is it you miss something when it's gone even if you didn't use it when it was there? The thought of never being given the option again goes straight to the head.
From Ratface to Love, back to Ratface to the tip of the Rattail.
Where'd it go? Road kill?

...Random Rap
I should be a carpenter,
cause all the walls i build run like skyscrapers.
All i need is a bulldozer,
one who isn't afraid of the mess, not a poser.

yours truly,
[c]_to tha_[k]

i'll be back, this is only Take 2!


Ever find yourself in the wrong situation at the wrong time, in the wrong place and with the wrong person? I call this the perfect WRONG moment, could it get any worse?
On a different note...
I've discovered the greatest of joys and the most painful of pains comes from a four letter word. Weed. lol -- just kidding, it had to be love!It begins when you have to keep reassuring youself it was just a one time thing, even though you wake up every morning wanting to do it again. You th
en set yourself up in a row of dominoes knowing that it won't work out-- the only outcome is to fall back. Good thing or Bad thing?You check for their every move. Hey, they say it isn't stalking if you love the person.
(Who says? idk)
Unexpressed love is a crime against the heart. Its the best weapon.
"Please find it in your heart now to weaken me with your love"
Be cool afterwards. It doesn't matter right? We were never meant to be we just happened.
Like Pac said, another hit and run relationship. What would you do for love?
If you ask me, LOVE > FEAR everyday of the week.

Friday, July 10, 2009

Cleanin' Out My Closet

"tonight i'm cleanin' out my closet...
Ha, I got some skeletons in my closet
and I don't know if no one knows it,
so before they thrown me inside my coffin and close it,
i'ma expose it"

Cleanin' Out My Closet
by Eminem

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Kingdom of Communication: Soul Talk

I've been churchless for a couple of months now, I changed that today and it was a wonderful experience.
I can proudly say I'm going to make this a Wednesday ritual.
From me to you...
Matthew 12:37
For by thy words thou shalt be justified, and by thy words thou shalt be condemned.

1.Reverence God and he will reward you.
Reverence- being Christ-like outside of church
*God always sees you
2.Learn to agree to disagree but agree with God.
3.Say what you see until you see what you have said.
4.What you confess, you will posses.
Big words, big frame.
5.Seek Heaven's applause and not man's accolade.
6.Understand what we are seen.

Matthew 13:36
We are a seed by God. What kind of harvest are you producing based upon the seed that you are?

7.Seek Godly pursuits and not earthly pleasures.
*Stop making excuses for sin!
You do it because you want to.
There are no apologies for the word of God. God's word is not designed to fit into man's sin.
8.Refuse to be distracted.
refuse-moved out of place of preparation
9.Do not be bound by obstacles. What you do not overcome you will become.
Romans 8:35
10.What you say and do does matter. Be not only hearers of word but doers.
More doers than talkers.

Ephesians 5:15
Time is the only resource we don't get back.
Walk not as fools but as wise.

*Our character, conduct and communication has to represent God well.

11.Anointing with our character disqualifies you for the next assignment of God.

Love people = centers Earth
Love everyone in spite to be able to see the Godly potential within.

12.Bridge the gap in our community between Heaven and Earth.

Do it even if it hurts, stay focused and concentrate on God's word.

From me to you...
Got God?

Monday, July 6, 2009

Maxwell's BLACKsummers'night

Maxwell has been missed! His long-awaited neo-soul album "BLACKsummer'night" drops tomorrow [07.07.09]. The only downside is we have to wait another year for the sequel in the triology. 'Pretty wings' is my absolute favorite song, getting my copy first thing!
Check for his tour dates, its a shame he isn't coming to Atlanta.

Sunday, July 5, 2009

I've always wanted?

I turn 18 in a couple months and the excitement to get a tattoo is definitely building up. I recently came across these unusual tattoos on the web [i did not search for them, they were on the page of someone who recently added me on facebook]. Anyways, who knows what was going through their heads... see for yourself.

If your reaction was any combination of "WTF!", then you're definitely not alone. lol the captions that went along with these photos were even funnier! haha
that thick black line [above the ankle] is a leech if you didn't already know.

Excuse me; are you famous?

So my mom and i went to walmart this evening just to pick up some random items. We separated for a minute, when i met back up with her she says to me " i think there's a famous basketball player here. He's really tall and some girls were snickering and pointing as they passed him by."
My first thought is, my mom doesn't EVER watch the NBA so how the heck would she be able to know. I don't care too much for it myself but i know way more than she does and actually know what a few players look like. So of course we go in the direction he was in so i could take a peek. lol.
He was tall, dark and might i say FINE! he had light eyes and looked so familiar. But i couldn't put my finger on where i had seen him before.
We stayed lingering around the isle, then left him alone. I told said to the mom, "just go up to him and ask him if he's famous." ...i knew she wouldn't. She casually replied saying "if i was dressed better i would." She had been doing house work earlier and i had just gotten off work so I'm sure we looked like some bumm stockers.
Later on, we reached home. She bursts out of now where, "Ive got it!
i used to work with him, his name is _______ _________." i simply said "you're full of it"

All Night All Alone

Why R U

Friday, July 3, 2009

Cry Me a River?...Okayy

The award for best tear-jerking movie of 2009 goes to: "My Sister's Keeper", hands down! I'm telling you, no lie, the whole theater was crying. Forget about the popcorn, pass the tissues please!
I highly recommend seeing this heart-breaking film. Trust it's definitely worth your time and money. I should know, I've read the novel and seen the movie.
Be prepared to choke up-- seriously.
The movie is about a family consisting of three kids. One kid is ill with cancer, and another is the donor for everything that's needed, except she no longer wants to do it. Of course its more complicated than that but you'll just have to go see it.
At the moment, you might feel as if God is smiting you, but you won't anymore. I have always been grateful for the life I live but now more so than ever. God has given all of us many blessings and we don't realize that some people are less fortunate. My prayers go out to all those who are sick and have done nothing to deserve their fate.
Take a second to stop complaining and feeling sorry for yourself because there really always will be someone who is in a worst place than yours.
Praise goes to Jodi Picoult-- I love your books, keep em' coming!

Wise [to the] Word

Is it wrong to go after someone simply because you know they won't turn you down because they truely care about you?
Guys always say they want a girl who challenges them, that causes them to chase and work hard-- but how much is too much? When does it all become just a game of cat && mouse? There's a difference between it being fun and it taking all of your energy.

"is that love i see in your eyes or merely a reflection of mine?"
don't be mistaken.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

número uno

high school; class of 2010 [senior!]
Miami Native, residing in Ga
17 years young
brown hair [blonde highlights]; green eyes
mixed >> proud of it!
1 older brother
love friends && family
3 dogs: pebbles, daisee && jak
kind-hearted; smart but silly
the good girl*

excited about bloggin. . .
"let's do this"